Wednesday, March 2, 2011

House, Moving and Kindle

Well, we got keys to our new home yesterday.  With some help, most of the furniture is now moved.  We have the large furniture from our storage units moved.  We should be settled by the end of the weekend.

My wonderful wife went out and got a Kindle for me yesterday.  I have to say, I am truely impresed with this little piece of technology.  She bought the Amazon leather case with the pull out light as well.  The text is crisp and clean and I can easily read it.  I laid in bed in last night and was able to read with no other lights on and it was very easy on my eyes and comfortable.  The text is as crisp if not better than most books and teh contrast was great.  She got the Wi-Fi version since I didn't really want the 3G version.  The screen is roughly the same size as a small paperback.  It keeps track of where you are in the book as well, which I really like.  I haven't tried transferring a PDF to the Kindle yet, but I hope to try that by the end of the weekend as well.  I will post more on that as I try it out.

My first downloaded book was World War Z.  I am enjoying the read so far.  I have already read The Zombie Survival Handbook and thought it was great.  Between those 2 books and Osprey's Zombies: A Hunter's Guide  I can see alot of zombie game scenarios forming up already.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend Musings........

Well, another weekend is come and gone.  This was a 'kid-free' weekend as my wife has dubbed them.  We had the weekend to ourselves.  We managed to get some things taken care of for the new house as well as eat out ourselves.  We even managed a movie.  It was my wife's pick and she chose 'Due Date' from the $1.50 theatre.  It wasn't the greatest comedy I've seen but it had its moments.  It is one we will add to the Blue-Ray collection. 

As far as miniatures, I did score some Matchbox cars for the upcoming modern zombie game.  The best score was a 1/87 scale bus kitted out as a SWAT Mobile Command Unit.  I also managed to finish off another 16 Americans.  I got 15 Nazi Zombies painted up but the bases aren't finished yet.  I will have to make some time for some photos and get them uploaded to the blog.  All my zombie madness is in 15mm and the Nazi Zombies are from Rebel Minis.  The WW2 Americans are from Old Glory.  The build up for Gear Krieg is going faster than I far.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

First of the Americans

I completed the first of the 15mm Americans for use in Gear Krieg last night.  Once I figure out how to post pics up here I will.  I on'y got about a dozen done.  I followed a painting guide I found on the Flames of War website.  For 15mm they look close enough but I think anything larger would look wonky.  The green on the webbing is a bit bright, but it does offset the khaki of the jacket and make the appearance of a more herringbone twill effect.  At any rate, 12 down and many more to go.......

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Musings of the day.......

Last night I was at the kitchen table working on pieces of WWG's Mayhem Armory and my daughter wandered in and sat down.  She was getting interested in what I was doing and I was explaining it to her.  Then came the question - Can you build a mall with that?  Well, I had the laptop sitting there so I could read the directions (I know, that is against a man's natural self) and I pulled up WWG's web site.  I showed her the Shellendrak Manor and the Mayhem Mega Mall kits on line.  After a bit of discussion we have decided to build a mall together.  It will be a few weeks before we start due to the fact that we are moving soon.  Once we get all settled we will get the file, buy more ink, more blades, a second cutting mat, another metal ruler and we will be all set to roll with making the mall!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First Post

Well, after toiling over the idea for a while now, I have decided to make a blog.  I hope to use this to chronicle my excursions into gaming.  I will try to make weekly updates (I hope). 

Right out of the gate, I have a couple of projects rolling.  First off, I have 3 convention games to get ready for in April at Spring Fever.  You can find more about the con here:  I will be running 3 games for Dream Pod 9's Heavy Gear: Blitz.  I am all ready and set for 2 but I have a few items to paint for the third.

My other project is really 3 in one.  I want to run a decent Gear Krieg game in the fall at Southern Front.  It is a tall order since I have virtually no figures done for that game yet.  I ordered some Rebel Minis Nazi Zombies for the game.  They have arrived today and I have some Americans ready to paint.  In the midst of all this, it revitalized my interest in All Things Zombies so I have started working on some 15mm buildings for a zombie town.  The buildings will come from resized World Works Game PDF files.  Of course, these buildings will be useable for my Heavy Gear games as well. 

Since I am making the buildings, I will need some modern zombies and survivors to run the streets as well.  But I guess that is the spiral of geekdom.  One project leads into the next and the next and the next.........