Wednesday, March 2, 2011

House, Moving and Kindle

Well, we got keys to our new home yesterday.  With some help, most of the furniture is now moved.  We have the large furniture from our storage units moved.  We should be settled by the end of the weekend.

My wonderful wife went out and got a Kindle for me yesterday.  I have to say, I am truely impresed with this little piece of technology.  She bought the Amazon leather case with the pull out light as well.  The text is crisp and clean and I can easily read it.  I laid in bed in last night and was able to read with no other lights on and it was very easy on my eyes and comfortable.  The text is as crisp if not better than most books and teh contrast was great.  She got the Wi-Fi version since I didn't really want the 3G version.  The screen is roughly the same size as a small paperback.  It keeps track of where you are in the book as well, which I really like.  I haven't tried transferring a PDF to the Kindle yet, but I hope to try that by the end of the weekend as well.  I will post more on that as I try it out.

My first downloaded book was World War Z.  I am enjoying the read so far.  I have already read The Zombie Survival Handbook and thought it was great.  Between those 2 books and Osprey's Zombies: A Hunter's Guide  I can see alot of zombie game scenarios forming up already.